Survival Tips


What the ‘SOS’ Distress Signal Really Stands For

(Modern - What does the ‘SOS’ emergency distress signal stand for? Save Our Ship Search Our Seas Save Our Souls None of the...

How to Tell When It’s Safe to Be On Frozen Lakes or Ponds

(Modern - How Many Inches Thick Should Ice Be on a Lake in Order to Attempt to Use a Snowmobile On It? • 2 • 4 •...
How to Make The Ultimate Survival Pack

How to Make The Ultimate Survival Pack

( - This is a bold statement, but it’s the truth. The ONE survival bag that rules them all is the one that you...

How to Keep Animals Away From Camp

(Modern - What Can You Use to Deter Animals From Your Camp? Chemicals Moth Balls Fence Urine Answer: Urine. Here's why... When enjoying the great outdoors,...

Treat Intestinal Issues Naturally

(Modern - What Tree Can You Look to for Easing Digestive Problems? Maple Oak Sassafras Pine Answer: Oak. Here's why... In a survival situation, knowing how...

Make a Smokeless Fire

( - What Do You Call a Fire Pit That Has Two Connected Chambers and Little to No Smoke? Dakota Smokeless Amazing Lakota Answer: Dakota. Here's...

How to Manage Temperatures When Camping

(Modern - What Can You Use to Keep Your Tent Cool or Warm? Ground Heater Blankets Aluminum Foil Answer: Aluminum Foil. Here's why... Temperature control can...

Tending to Cast Iron The Right Way

(Modern - When Cleaning Your Cast Iron, What Should You Not Use? Heat Cold Soap Water Answer: Soap. Here's why... Cast iron cookware is popular among...
This is the Most Important Hygiene Habit to Maintain in a Long Term Survival Situation

Don’t Overlook This Important Hygiene Practice After SHTF…

(Modern - What is the most important hygiene habit to maintain if you’re in a long-term survival situation? • Washing face • Brushing teeth • Washing...

Avoid These When Bugging Out

(Modern - If you are forced to bug out, which of these should be avoided while traveling? Mountain trails Back roads Lines of drift ...

Latest Stories

Simple Survival Hack for Your Freezer

Simple Survival Hack for Your Freezer

( - Modern appliances make prepping for a “rainy day” much easier than it used to be. For instance, refrigeration allows one to store...
Is an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) a Viable Threat?

Is an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) a Viable Threat?

( - Anyone who has spent time around survivalists or preppers has likely heard the term “EMP” tossed around. An EMP, or electromagnetic pulse,...



How to Increase the Odds of Surviving a Plane Crash

( - The once impossible dream of taking to the skies became an everyday occurrence thanks to the Wright brothers back in 1903. Since...
Escaping Zip Ties

How to Escape From Zip Ties

( - Zip ties are commonly used to restrain victims during home invasions and kidnappings. They’re cheap and hard to break out of —...