How To Survive A Falling Elevator

( – Every day, millions of people use elevators to travel up and down high rises, hospitals, and office buildings. While an elevator’s most common safety threat is becoming stuck, there is a chance the elevator could go into free-fall, leading to a nasty crash on the ground floor.

Thankfully, How to Survive has provided the following video which explains how to survive a falling elevator:

When an elevator begins to fall, there are only a few seconds to decide on a course of action. As the video explains, there are three common options in this situation. However, only one of them will help a person survive.

  1. Jump in the air. Theoretically, jumping may work. However, it would be essential to time the jump at the exact moment the elevator hits the bottom. Very few people have the reflexes to pull that off — especially because most elevators are closed in, leaving the occupants to guess where the bottom of the shaft is.
  2. Brace yourself. Gravity works against this method, as the elevator will accelerate as it drops. This will make the body seem heavier than it really is, and the average human’s legs won’t be able to support the force of the impact.
  3. Lie flat on the floor. Lying flat on the floor will distribute the force of the impact across the entire body, reducing the risk of severe damage. Additionally, the cushion at the bottom of the elevator shaft will help to absorb some of the impact.

Being in an elevator when the cords break would be a terrifying experience, but there are far more common threats one could encounter in a public building. To see what they are and get tips on how to survive them from a former Navy Seal, check out our article here.

~Here’s to Your Survival!

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