How to Treat Minor and Severe Head Injuries


(Modern – For a head injury, you should immediately treat the injury and?

• Lie down flat

• Apply cold pack

• Take a painkiller

• Sit and drink water

Answer: Apply Cold Pack. Here’s why…

Head injuries can be a serious cause for concern, especially in a survival scenario. Most head injuries are minor and nothing more than scrapes and bumps — not worth a trip to the emergency room. Even so, being ready to treat a head wound is important.

Know the Symptoms

According to, the symptoms of minor and major head injuries are as follows:

  • Minor head injuries: nausea, headache, confusion, ringing ears, and becoming lightheaded.
  • Major head trauma: loss of consciousness, vomiting, seizures, balance/coordination issues, blurry vision/inability to focus, memory loss, mood swings, and clear liquid seeping from ears and/or nostrils.

Know the Treatment… and When to Seek Help

For most minor head injuries, simply sitting the victim down and placing an ice pack (or even a bag of frozen peas) on the wound is enough to help. Tylenol can help to ease the pain. Avoid aspirin and ibuprofen, as they can make bleeding wounds worse (including internal wounds).

For severe head trauma, from which the victim is confused or has become unconscious, seek medical attention immediately. If major head trauma is suspected, attempt to limit the victim’s movement, as movement can worsen the condition. Remember, not all head injuries are visible to the naked eye.

In an emergency situation, access to pain medication may be limited or not available at all. To see how to get pain relief when medication is unavailable, check out our article here.

~Here’s to Your Survival!

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