Think Twice Before Joining One of These Groups


( – Not every prepper has a lone-wolf mentality. Those who desire to share the prepping experience with others often form survival groups in order to share the burden of preparedness. There is strength in numbers, after all.

Some preppers have taken this idea to a whole new level, purchasing large amounts of land and setting up prepper communities. While many of these are exclusively for the owners and their close friends and family, others welcome strangers. But is it really a good idea to join a survivalist community like this?

In the following video, Prepper University explains why joining a survival group might not be such a great move:

As Prepper University points out, a few problems could arise from joining a prepper community, even without any kind of disaster occurring. Here are some things to consider:

Who is Running the Community?

A lot of the prepping communities that are open and welcoming to strangers are run by ministers and pastors. While this may not necessarily be a bad thing, groups that present a religious front may actually be nefarious. The last thing anyone wants is to find they left their old life behind in hopes of becoming better prepared, only to end up entrenched within a cult.

Don’t forget that both Jim Jones and David Koresh were welcoming religious leaders who led their own little communities. Jones ended up murdering 909 of his followers via poisoned Kool-Aid. Koresh led his followers into a conflict with the Federal Government which ended with most of them dying. Just because a group is religious doesn’t mean they are good people.

Is There an Escape?

Some groups may not be so keen on having people leave once they’ve joined. Jones, for example, held people at gunpoint within the “People’s Temple” in Guyana. He went so far as to have Temple members murder a group who managed to leave at an airfield (which included an NBC News correspondent).

Granted, this is an extreme example. But that doesn’t mean it will still be easy to just walk away from some prepper communities. Peer pressure and intimidation tactics are some of the ways they may attempt to keep members from leaving once in the fold.

Know the Rules

The fact is, joining a prepper community means following the rules of the landowner, both before and after any potential disaster. The “law of the land” may be fine at the get-go, but there’s no telling when new rules may be implemented down the road.

Many people will seek out a prepper community to rid themselves of what they perceive to be oppressive rules, but in truth, there will likely be more rules in the community than outside of it.

For instance, everyone will have jobs, chores, and roles to play in the group — even in the most ideal community. If what will be expected of those coming in doesn’t sit well with them, they aren’t going to last long.

Due Diligence

Before joining a prepper community, or even a prepping group for that matter, it’s vital to do some heavy research. Get to know who runs it, what the group’s core values are, what the rules are, and what is to be expected of those who join. Don’t just dive in because the ad campaign makes it sound good.

If something seems off or the gut instincts say there is something wrong, trust it and leave.

By no means do these warnings mean that every survival group or prepping community is bad or out to get unsuspecting victims. There are groups out there filled with genuinely good people who simply want to make their own go of it, living off the grid or preparing for the worst.

While joining a survival group does come with a lot of perks, it might be better to start one of your own rather than join up with a band of strangers. The easier way to begin is by recruiting friends and family members, but will they really be able to help, or will they just get in the way? Check out this article to see if your loved ones are really liabilities when it comes to prepping.

~Here’s to Your Survival!

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